Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Vacuum Circuit Breakers

Vacuum Circuit Breakers

PT. Duta Listrik Graha Prima as the sole distributor of LS Industrial Systems inIndonesia. Latest VCB issued by LS (LG) is the following type Vacuum CircuitBreaker some data could be disclosed.
Vacuum Circuit Breaker
LSIS Pro-MEC VCB is user-friendly to give more convenience
and safety by providing high speed interrupting time (3cycles),
adopting the rapid auto-reclosing method, and having
wide range of accessories.

Wide range of accessories (optional)

􀓋 Key Lock
􀓋 Padlock of earthing switch
􀓋 Button padlock
􀓋 Position switch of the earthing switch
􀓋 Button cover
􀓋 Locking coil of earthing switch
􀓋 Position switch (Cell switch)
􀓋 Shutter padlock
􀓋 Preparatory trip coil (Secondary trip coil)
􀓋 MOC (Mechanically operated cell switch)
􀓋 Latch checking switch
􀓋 TOC (Truck operated cell switch)
􀓋 Charge indicator
􀓋 Code plate (Miss insertion prevention)
􀓋 Position padlock
􀓋 Capacitor trip device
􀓋 Earthing switch Note 1)
􀓋 Rectifier
Note 1) The earthing switch is not available for 17.5kV VCB.

High reliability of the operating mechanism
- Separate design of the main circuit from the
operating mechanism.
- Adopt the toggle link method.
- Improved the reliability of electric circuit.
- Adopt the rapid auto-reclosing method as a
standard option. (O-0.3sec.-CO-3min.-CO)

High interrupting performance

􀓋Make short of the interrupting time. (3cycles)
􀓋Increase the rated short-circuit withstand
   characteristics. (1sec. to 3sec.)

Great operational safety

􀓋Reinforce the insulation in the conduct, by adopting the
   molded housing in each phase.
􀓋Built in the device making the contacts open first when
   draw in and out.
􀓋Adopt the tulip-shape connection between the cradle and
   the VCB.

MCSG (Metal Clad Switchgear) 

􀓋Module type VCB
􀓋Convenient especially for fabricating MCSG
- Housing is designed like VCB compartment style
- MCSG panel can be easily constructed if combined with Low voltage compartment, Busbar
compartment and Cable compartment.
􀓋Convenient for maintenance and offering high safely
- Earthing switch can be operated from outside of the panel, and which makes earthing of 3 phases at the
same time.
- Without opening the compartment panel door, breaker can be drawn in or out electrically or manually
􀓋Main functions
- Breaker : draw- in or out electrically or manually
- Compartment : 3-positions
- IEC 62271-100

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